CMM 2008-08-23
Minutes of Meeting for Worship for Business
Concord (NH) Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends
Eighth Month 23, 2008
Concord (NH) Monthly Meeting gathered in a specially called Meeting for Worship for Business on the date above stated at the Merrimack Valley Day Care Center (MVDCC), Concord, NH. Members and Attenders present were: Alisa Barnard (A), Recording Clerk Pro Tem Graham P. Chynoweth (M), Kate Daniels (M), David Freeman-Woolpert (M), Treasurer Ruth M. Heath (M), Gregory B. Heath (M), Linda C. Peters (A), Jay Smith (M), Presiding Clerk Sara Smith (M), and Kathy Urie (A).
Sara Smith opened the Meeting with a moment of silent worship.
Minute 2008.
08.0 Previous Minutes Draft Minutes of the Seventh Month Business Meeting were not available for review. Sara Smith will check with Richard Kleinschmidt as to availability.
08.1 David Freeman-Woolpert/Greater Concord Interfaith Council David Freeman-Woolpert’s term as 2008-2009 Chair of the Greater Concord Interfaith Council begins 9/1/2008. The Meeting approved of David nominating a support person for his Council ministry. David nominated Graham P. Chynoweth and the Meeting approved. Minute read and approved.
08.2 Housing Committee
Project Costs The Housing Committee, through Committee Ruth M. Heath, reported a total project cost of approximately $460,000 (infrastructure, building construction, and architect fees but not interior furnishings). The Meeting’s intended General Contractor, Building Alternatives, Inc., will be providing more detailed cost estimates related to interior elements, such as windows, door knobs and lighting. An expense to be further defined (though already within the total project cost) is the cost of Structural Insulated Panels (SIP) for the entire building and such can only happen after the SIPs are designed. The expense of design of the panels will be up to $3,000.00. The Meeting approved a SIP design payment of up to $3,000.00 (approval followed action on Minute 08.3). Minute read and approved.
Heating/Cooling The Committee has been considering issues related to heating and cooling. The Committee has received expert information on various heating and cooling methods/systems. Minute read and approved.
08.3 Fund Raising Committee
Amount Raised The Meeting House Fund Raising Committee, through ex officio member Ruth M. Heath, reported that current realized building gifts/grants total $88,500 and unrealized pledges of gifts total $265,000 (of which $20,000 is staged over 5 years) for a total of approximately $354,000 raised/pledged. Minute read and approved.
Loan Application The Committee asked the Meeting approve of the Clerk signing a loan Application to the Friends General Conference (FGC) Loan Fund for a $135,000 loan (such principal amount if actually borrowed would be result in a $1,300 a month payment over 15 years). Such Application would allow the Meeting to enter into hopefully productive, spirit-based discussions with the Loan Fund. The FGC loan arrangement was characterized as somewhat akin to a line of credit that would eventually be for a fixed payment of principal and interest. The Meeting was cautioned against overreaching known sources of funds to pay-off a loan. The Meeting discussed various ways to reduce the amount actually borrowed from the Loan Fund. Committee members expressed experienced-based hopes of additional significant monies being raised and expects to-be-announced gifts of at least $25,000 (such would reduce the amount which would need to be borrowed). Constructing the project overtime was discussed but not generally favored. The Meeting was reminded that the energy to complete the project best arises from a spirit-base, wider community support and a project that results in worship and children education spaces. The Meeting approved having the Presiding Clerk sign a loan application for $90,000. Signing of a Loan Agreement will require further action by the Meeting. Minute read and approved.
The Meeting closed with silent worship expecting to meet again for business, God willing, on second First Day, Next Month.
Respectfully submitted,
/s/ Graham P. Chynoweth, Recording Clerk Pro Tem
Accepted as the approved record,
/s/ Sara Smith, Presiding Clerk