CMM 2007-07-08
Minutes of Meeting for Worship for Business
Concord (NH) Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends
7th Month 8, 2007
(As approved 9/9/2007)
Concord (NH) Monthly Meeting gathered in a regularly called Meeting for Worship for Business at the Merrimack Valley Day Care Center in Concord, NH. Friends present were Don Booth, Lois Booth, Kate Daniels, Madison Daniels, Dick Gerstenberger, Martha Gerstenberger, Ruth Heath (treasurer), Rich Kleinschmidt (recording clerk), Linda Chynoweth Peters, Sara Smith (clerk).
The meeting was opened by the clerk with a period of worshipful silence.
7.1 Minutes. The recording clerk apologized for not having the minutes of 6/10 available. (He is overwhelmed with moving his residence.)
7.2 Fund Raising Committee. (Created in minute 2007.5.4) We decided that the committee should not start a general appeal until we have developed plans and a firm estimate on costs. In the meanwhile, the committee should:
- Work on plans for the campaign.
- Develop/revise the list of prospects.
- Work on the appeal letter.
7.3 Appalachian Mountain Teen Project. The Housing Committee met with representatives from AMTP and brought to us issues that AMTP would like addressed. In response we suggested the following be included in framework for a mutual association:
- Reversion: If the land is deeded to Concord Friends Meeting, we would be very comfortable with a reversion clause in the deed that returns the property to AMTP should the Meeting cease to function. If possible, we would like to explore with AMTP the possibility of a similar arrangement for the other parcel should AMTP cease to exist.
- Shared Use:
- The Meeting would control the master calendar and scheduling. We would give AMTP events priority (over other groups such as AA) when setting the schedule.
- AMTP would have free use of the building for some fixed number (12?) of times per year. If AMTP use expanded beyond that (perhaps a summer program?) AMTP would contribute to the cost.
- Upkeep: The Meeting intends to fully fund depreciation from the annual operating budget. We will try to estimate the future cost of major maintenance (roof, septic) and make annual contributions to a fund to cover such costs.
- Legal: Once the two organizations have outlined the framework for an agreement, we would hire an attorney to draft and revise an agreement until we achieve a document satisfactory to all.
These are not demands but simply our vision of how a cooperative arrangement might work. We expect give and take.
7.4 Don Booth shared with us his views and dreams of what might be incorporated in the new Meeting House.
7.5 Housing Committee. The Housing Committee shared their recommendations for proceeding with the design for a new Meeting House. We accepted the committee’s recommendation that we work with Michael Brass (Brass Construction) and with Michael Greene, (Deerfield, Architectural Design and Planning).
=> We authorized the Housing Committee to hire Brass Construction for up to $12,000 and Michael Greene for up to $2,000. However, the committee may not commit any funds until we have a letter of intent from AMTP. (See minute 7.3)
The meeting ended with a period of worshipful, grateful silence, purposing to meet again on the second First Day of Sixth Month or at the call of the clerk.
Respectfully submitted,
/s/ Richard Kleinschmidt, Recording Clerk
Accepted as the approved record when signed,
/s/ Sara Smith, Clerk