CMM 2007-06-10

Minutes of Meeting for Worship for Business

Concord (NH) Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends

6th Month 10, 2007

(As approved 9/9/2007)

Concord (NH) Monthly Meeting gathered in a regularly called Meeting for Worship for Business at the Merrimack Valley Day Care Center in Concord, NH.  Friends present were Don Booth, Lois Booth, Susan Chambers, Graham P. Chynoweth, David Freeman-Woolpert, Ruth Heath, Rich Kleinschmidt (recording clerk), Jay Smith, Sara Smith (clerk), and Kathy Urie.

The meeting was opened by the clerk with a period of worshipful silence

6.1  Minutes.  The minutes from the 5th Month meeting were revised and approved.

6.2  Housing Committee.  We have received a $7,000 grant from the Obediah Brown Foundation.  The Foundation has told us that we may apply for additional grants once we have matched the $7,000 with funds we have raised.  The grant was deposited in the AG Edwards housing fund account. (Minutes 2007.2.5 and 2007.5.2)

=> We authorized the Housing Committee to spend up to $5,000 for planning, after the fund has received at least $2,500 in additional donations

6.3  Treasurers Report.  In the fiscal year 6/06 - 6/07, we received approximately $11,917 in contributions and spent approximately $11,826 for expenses and donations. The full report is attached.

The treasurer noted that we are still holding funds for the NH Alternatives to Violence Project.  They are in the process of becoming 501(c)(3)-authorized and then will manage their own funds.

6.4  Finance Committee.  The Finance Committee proposed a budget for 2007-2008.  The committee carefully reduced our expected contributions and expenses to reflect the smaller size of the meeting and our capital fund drive.

=> We approved the attached budget.

6.5  Nominating Committee.  The committee presented recommendations for the reduced committee structure.  Graham told us that he will continue as Recorder only if the meeting is willing to prune inactive members from our role.

=> We approved the nominations as presented.

6.6  Retreat.  We asked the Care of the Meeting committee to consider when and where we should have the next Meeting retreat.

The meeting ended with a period of worshipful, grateful silence, purposing to meet again on the second Firstday of Seventh Month or at the call of the clerk.

Respectfully submitted,

/s/ Richard Kleinschmidt, Recording Clerk

Accepted as the approved record when signed,

/s/ Sara Smith, Clerk

Concord Friends Meeting FY 2008

for the Period 6th Month 1, 2007 to 5th Month 31, 2008
  Fiscal Year 2006 - 2007 2007-2008
Actuals Budget Budget
General Donations 11,838 13,080 10,889
Interest Income 29 0 25
In-kind Contributions 50 0 0
Literature Donations 0 0 0
TOTAL INCOME 11,917 13,080 10,914
Monthly Meeting Activities
Adult Education Committee 0 0 0
Finance Committee 26 25 15
Housing Committee 0 200 0
Library 0 0 50
Ministry and Counsel Committee 24 300 100
Peace & Social Concerns Committee 0 50 0
Religious Education Committee 38 300 50
Advertisements & Phone 896 1,000 1,000
Newsletter 36 100 75
Refreshments 50 200 50
Miscellaneous 0 100 50
Rental Contribution 4,238 4,238 4,408
Insurance 305 330 330
Retreat (net) 26 50 36
Total Meeting Activity Expense 5,639 6,893 6,164
Support of Other Meetings and Groups
Concord Interfaith Council 100 100 50
Dover Quarterly Meeting 100 100 50
NEYM - General Support 4,000 4,000 3,000
NH Council of Churches 100 100 50
Other Support
AFSC - NH 560 560 550
AFSC - National 343 343 200
FCNL 200 272 100
Friends Camp (Maine) 272 200 300
FWCC 125 125 50
NEYM - Equalization Fund 164 164 150
The Meeting School 223 223 250
Total Support of Other Meetinqs and Groups 6,187 6,187 4,750
TOTAL EXPENSE 11,826 13,080 10,914
NET GAIN (OR LOSS-) 91 0 0

Concord Friends Meeting Committees

6th Month 2007 – 5th Month 2008

Clerk Sara Smith
Assistant Clerk  
Recording Clerk Rich Kleinschmidt
Treasurer Ruth Heath
Recorder Graham P. Chynoweth
Newsletter Jay Smith
Interfaith Council Rep(s) David Freeman-Woolpert
AFSC Rep ?
NEYM M&C Rep ?
NEYM Nominating Comm Rep ?
Supplies Coordinator David Freeman-Woolpert
Care of the Meeting Committee (created 1/07)
  • Rich Kleinschmidt (convener)**
  • No set membership
  • David Freeman-Woolpert**
  • Rob Spencer
Fundraising (created 5/07)
  • Sara Smith**
  • Lois Booth
  • Martha Gerstenberger
  • Greg Heath
  • David Freeman-Woolpert**
  • Dick Gerstenberger
  • Greg Heath
  • Ruth Heath
  • Richard Kleinschmidt
  • Lois Booth
  • Richard Kleinschmidt
  • Kathy Urie