CMM 2006-10-08
Minutes of Meeting for Worship for Business
Concord (NH) Monthly Meeting
Religious Society of Friends
10th Month 8, 2006
(As approved 11/12/06)
Concord (NH) Monthly Meeting gathered in a regularly called Meeting for Worship for Business, on the date above stated, at the Merrimack Valley Day Care Center, Concord, NH.
The meeting was opened by the clerk with a period of worshipful silence
10.1 Minutes. The minutes from 2006 9th Month were corrected and approved.
10.2 Membership. The Meeting received a letter from Elizabeth Cazden requesting that we transfer her membership to Providence Monthly Meeting. We approved her request.
10.3 Programs. We intend to view and discuss the Rufus Jones film on 10/21. No program is scheduled next month. The Christmas party is scheduled for 12/17, and the State of Society discussion will be 1/28/2007.
10.4 Housing Committee. We authorized the Housing Committee to spend up to $1,000 to evaluate the feasibility and cost of building in Canterbury.
The meeting ended with a period of worshipful silence, purposing to meet again on the second First Day of Eleventh Month or at the call of the clerk.
Respectfully Submitted,
/s/ Richard Kleinschmidt, Recording Clerk
Accepted as the Approved Record,
/s/ Sara Smith, Clerk