CMM 2006-07-09
Minutes of Meeting for Worship for Business
Concord (NH) Monthly Meeting
Religious Society of Friends
7th Month 9, 2006
(As approved 9/10/06)
Concord (NH) Monthly Meeting gathered in a regularly called Meeting for Worship for Business, on the date above stated, at the Merrimack Valley Day Care Center, Concord, NH. Friends present were Don Booth, Lois Booth, David Freeman-Woolpert, Dick Gerstenberger, Martha Gerstenberger, Rich Kleinschmidt (recording pro tem), Kathy Mercer, Jay Smith, Sara Smith (clerk), Bevan Tulk, Kathy Urie
The meeting was opened by the clerk with a period of worshipful silence.
7.1 Minutes. The minutes from 2006 6th Month approved as circulated. Regarding minute 6.2 Friends noted that the actual budget should be attached and included in the record.
7.2 Nominating Committee. The nominating committee submitted its recommendations for appointments for our 2006-2007 year. Sara Smith was reappointed as clerk, Richard Kleinschmidt was appointed recording clerk, Ruth Heath was appointed treasurer, and Graham Chynoweth recorder (for membership). The full report with committee appointments is attached.
7.3 Fall Retreat. We need to form a retreat committee. Sara Smith and Rich Kleinschmidt volunteered to serve. The meeting authorized them to recruit other committee members as needed.
7.4 Ministry and Counsel. The Ministry and Counsel committee presented a sensitive matter. The Meeting agreed that the following statement should appear in the minutes:
A former attender of our First Day School is 17 years old and incarcerated for inappropriate behavior. Friends are encouraged to pray for this family and to reach out to the parents. Friends who feel called to respond to the youth are encouraged to seek wisdom from members of Ministry and Counsel before attempting direct contact with the youth. The Ministry and Counsel committee is drafting a letter to the youth.
The meeting ended with a period of worshipful silence, purposing to meet again on the second First Day of Ninth Month or at the call of the clerk. We do not plan to meet Eighth Month.
Respectfully Submitted,
/s/ Richard Kleinschmidt, Recording Clerk
Accepted as the Approved Record,
/s/ Sara Smith, Clerk