CMM 2006-06-11
Minutes of Meeting for Worship for Business
Concord (NH) Monthly Meeting
Religious Society of Friends
6th Month 11, 2006
(As approved 7/9/06)
Concord (NH) Monthly Meeting gathered in a regularly called Meeting for Worship for Business, on the date above stated, at the Merrimack Valley Day Care Center, Concord, NH. Friends present were Don Booth, Lois Booth (clerk pro tem), David Freeman-Woolpert, Ruth Heath (treasurer), Deane Kellison, Rich Kleinschmidt (recording pro tem), Zane Knoy, Bevan Tulk
The meeting was opened by the clerk with a period of worshipful silence.
6.1 Minutes. The minutes from 2006 5th Month approved. Friends felt that we should note that while minute 5.4 correctly reported our intention, the Spring Party was rained out.
6.2 Budget. We reviewed the draft 2006-7 budget presented by the finance committee. We added donations to Friends Camp and Dover Quarterly Meeting. (Dover Quarter was eliminated last year because we understood that no funds were needed. We approved a budget of about $13,000. This is more than what we spent last year but less than we budgeted last year. The budget authorizes committees to spend up to a certain amount, but often their actual expenditures are lower than the budgeted amount.
6.3 Yearly Meeting Delegates. We appointed Don and Lois Booth as delegates to New England Yearly Meeting Sessions. We authorized our clerk, Sara Smith, to appoint up to three other delegates.
6.4 Announcements.
- Midweek worship continues at Havenwood on the second Wednesday of each month. 10 Large print copies of Rise up Singing have been purchased to support this group.
- Deane and Louise are working on a new-comer packet.
The meeting ended with a period of worshipful silence, purposing to meet again on the second First Day of Seventh Month or at the call of the clerk.
Respectfully Submitted,
/s/ Richard Kleinschmidt, Recording Clerk pro tem
Accepted as the Approved Record,
/s/ Lois Booth, Clerk pro tem