CMM 2005-10-09
Minutes of Meeting for Worship for Business
Concord (NH) Monthly Meeting
Religious Society of Friends
10th Month 9, 2005
Concord (NH) Monthly Meeting gathered in a regularly called Meeting for Worship for Business, on the date above stated, at the Merrimack Valley Day Care Center, Concord, NH. Friends present were Lois Booth, Graham Chynoweth, Ruth Heath (treasurer), Rich Kleinschmidt (recording clerk pro tem), Jay Smith, Sara Smith (clerk).
The meeting was opened by the clerk with a period of worshipful silence.
10.1 Treasurer’s Report: We received the treasurer’s report. With 4 months of the fiscal year completed, the Meeting has received $4,017.77 (25% of budgeted donations). We have paid $2,340.66 (15% of budgeted expenditures).
We addressed two issues with special fund items:
- The Treasurer has been holding a $100 memorial donation to honor Eunice Smith (pending the Meeting’s decision on how it should be used). We decided that the money should be used to subscribe to Pendle Hill pamphlets. Eunice subscribed during her life and shared them with others. The pamphlets she shared were inspiring to many.
- The Meeting collected funds the Kaimosi school. Inadvertently, we sent $12 more than were received, and consequently the treasurer’s books showed a $12 deficit in that account. The Meeting directed the treasurer to use budgeted funds from the miscellaneous line to balance the special fund.
10.2 Guest Book: We approved the purchase of a new guest book. The current book has been used by the meeting for 20 years, but it does not have adequate space for phone number and email address. Consequently it is difficult to contact newcomers to meeting.
10.3 Telephone Message Contacts: We agreed that Sara Smith (clerk) and Graham Chynoweth (clerk of Ministry and Counsel) should be the two contact people named on the meeting’s telephone message.
10.4 Open House: We discussed holding an Open House to welcome those interested in learning more about Friends. This suggestion was commended to the AECB (Adult Education and Community Building) committee.
10.5 Appointments: We approved Graham Chynoweth as the meeting’s Recorder. We approved Lynn Chong to serve on the Peace and Social Concerns committee. We asked the nominating committee to prepare and circulate a revised committee list.
The meeting ended with a period of worshipful silence, purposing to meet again on the second First Day of Eleventh Month or at the call of the clerk.
Respectfully Submitted,
/s/ Richard Kleinschmidt, Recording Clerk pro tem
Accepted as the Approved Record,
/s/ Sara Smith, Clerk
Concord NH Monthly Meeting 2005-2006
Committees and Appointments As approved 6/12/2005 [with revisions 10/9/2005
(Convener of first meeting designated by **)
Clerk: Sara Smith
Assistant Clerk:
Recording Clerk: Anne Saunders (Rich Kleinschmidt)
Treasurer: Ruth Heath
Recorder: Graham P. Chynoweth
Jobs Coordinator: Dennis Holt
Newsletter Editor: Anne Saunders
Circulation of newsletter: Jay Smith
Snack supplies coordinator: David Freeman-Woolpert
Interfaith Council Rep(s): David Freeman-Woolpert, Bevan Tulk
AFSC Rep: Deane Kellison
NEYM M&C Rep: To be appointed by Concord M&C
NEYM Nominating Comm Rep: ?
YRE (Youth Religious Education)
- Alisa Bernard
- Lois Booth
- Ruth Heath**
- Jonie LaBombard
- Sara Smith
- Kathy Urie
AECB (Adult Education and Community Building)
- Deane Kellison
- Zane Knoy
- Roberta Lavey
- Anne Saunders
- Sara Smith
- Louise Spencer
M&C (Ministry and Counsel)
- Graham P Chynoweth**
- Zane Knoy
- Jay Smith
- Bevan Tulk
- Kathy Urie
- Rob/Louise Spencer
- Richard Kleinschmidt
- David Freeman-Woolpert**
- Ruth Heath
- Richard Kleinschmidt
- Lois Booth
- Kathy Urie
- David Freeman-Woolpert
- Rob Spencer
P&SC (Peace and Social Concerns)
- Lois Booth**
- Don Booth
- Lynn Chong
- Claire Gillingham
- Deane Kellison
- Kathy Mercer
- Jay Smith