CMM 2005-06-12
Concord (NH) Monthly Meeting
Religious Society of Friends
Minutes of Meeting for Worship for Business
6th Month 12, 2005
Concord (NH) Monthly Meeting gathered in a regularly called Meeting for Worship for Business on the date above stated at the Merrimack Valley Day Care Center, Concord, NH.
Those present: David Freeman-Woolpert, Atossa French, David French, Claire Gillingham, Jeannie Holt, Rich Kleinschmidt, Zane Knoy, Anne Saunders, Sara Smith, Jay Smith.
06.1 Presiding Clerk, Sara Smith shared thoughts on starting down the path anew as we appoint new people to committees. She encouraged Friends to look at new ways to strengthen our community, deepen our worship and engage with the larger community.
06.2 Nominating Committee Report. Sara Smith reported for the committee and presented a list of nominees dated 5/25 compiled by Richard Kleinschmidt, here attached. Jay Smith asked for Ministry and Counsel to have authority to appoint someone to serve as M&C representative to Yearly Meeting. Friends approved.
06.3 Jay Smith expressed willingness to continue to print and distribute the print version of the newsletter. Friends gratefully accept.
Discussion ensued about the newsletter and better communication in general. Friends agreed to ask to the Adult Education and Community Building Committee to consider ways to support and facilitate both the newsletter and other communication.
06.4 Lynn Cina has asked to be appointed to Peace and Social Concerns.
Friends supported the Nominating Committee report with the addition of Lynn Cina to Peace and Social Concerns and Jay Smith as printer of newsletter.
Friends note with gratitude the number of members and attenders willing to serve on our committees.
06.5 Business Meeting in July and August. Friends wanted to keep to the usual schedule and hold business meeting on the second First Day in July. Sara will try to find someone to clerk it since she will be absent.
06.6 Housing Committee Report. David Freeman-Woolpert reported for the committee. The committee is not focusing on any particular property at this time. Committee would like Friends to consider and recommend any possibilities for the future, particularly properties that may come available but are not yet listed for sale. We are looking for a site within two miles of the Statehouse or near a highway interchange in Concord. David met with the Concord city zoning enforcement officer to discuss possible locations and the conditions that must be met for a house of worship. He says we probably need public water and sewer and definitely need adequate space for parking on-site. This could require as much as an acre. The Housing Committee is investigating several leads. The committee also will be contacting estate attorneys about our interests in case a property becomes available.
Lois Booth reports on international efforts to wipe out Third World debt. She passed out postcards addressed to President Bush supporting the effort. Lois has more information on the issue, which will require continued pressure if debt relief and aid is to be made available to struggling nations.
Zane Knoy announced that Meeting School is holding its open house July 9-22 and Friends are invited to visit and stay overnight. There is no charge but donations will be accepted. See Zane for more information.
Submitted by, | Accepted as the Approved Record, | |
/s/ ?, Recording Clerk | /s/ Sara Smith, Presiding Clerk |
1 Underlined captions, references to previous Minutes (e.g. “See also Minute 2001.1.1”), “Recording Clerk’s Notes” and the word “ACTION” (with action to be taken in bold type) are inserted by the Recording Clerk for convenience of reader in identifying Minute topics, minuted history of an issue and expectation of action and are not a part of the Minute as approved.
Approved Budget 6/1/05-5/31/06 | |
Donations | $15,943 |
Interest Income | $0 |
Literature | $0 |
Donations | $0 |
TOTAL INCOME | $15,943 |
Monthly Meeting Activities | |
Adult Education Comm | $100 |
Finance Committee | $25 |
Housing | $3,000 |
Library | $0 |
Ministry and Council Committee | $300 |
Peace & Social Concerns Committee | $50 |
Religious Education Committee | $300 |
Advertisements & Phone | $l,050 |
Newsletter | $200 |
Refreshments | $210 |
Miscellaneous | $100 |
Rental Contribution | $4,095 |
Insurance | $330 |
Retreat (net) | $50 |
Total Meeting Activity Activities | $9,810 |
Support of Other Meetings and Groups | |
Memberships | |
Concord Interfaith Council | $100 |
Dover Quarterly Meeting | $0 |
NEYM - General Support | $4,305 |
NH Council of Churches | $100 |
Other Support | |
AFSC - NH | $541 |
AFSC - National | $331 |
Alternatives to Violence | $0 |
FCNL | $263 |
FWCC | $121 |
NEYM - Equalization Fund | $158 |
The Meeting School | $215 |
Total Support of Other Meetings and Groups | $6,133 |
TOTAL EXPENSE | $15,943 |
NET GAIN (OR LOSS-) | $0 |