CMM 2004-10-10
Concord (NH) Monthly Meeting
Religious Society of Friends
Minutes of Meeting for Worship for Business
10th Month 10, 2004
Concord (NH) Monthly Meeting gathered in a regularly called Meeting for Worship for Business, on the date above stated, at the Merrimack Valley Day Care Center, Concord, NH. Attenders and Members present were Don Booth (M), Lois Booth (M), Graham P. Chynoweth (M), David Freeman-Woolpert (M), Julia Freeman-Woolpert (A), Ruth Heath (M), Jeanie Holt (M), Deane Kellison (A), Zane Knoy (A), Joni LaBombard(M), Anne Saunders (M), Jay Smith (M), Sarah Smith (M), and Bevan Tulk (M).
The meeting was opened by Presiding Clerk, Graham P. Chynoweth, at 12:55p.m., with a period of worshipful silence and then a reading of the proposed preface to New England Yearly Meeting’s new Faith and Practice.
A. Consideration of Faith and Practice Preface: Presiding Clerk Graham P. Chynoweth asked for guidance on whether the Meeting should schedule an occasion to consider NEYM Faith and Practice Revision Committee’s proposed preface to the new Faith and Practice . Preliminary to responding to his request, he was asked to make the preface available to all.
B. Quarterly Meeting: CFM is hosting Dover Quarterly Meeting 10th Month 31. Member Jay Smith urged people to be involved and noted that the Fourth Sunday program would focus on a discussion that would lead into the Quarterly Meeting program topic.
10.1 2004 Retreat follow-up: Treasurer Ruth Heath reported costs that the first-weekend- in-October Camp Wilmot retreat were about $100 more than was collected from participants. ACTION: The Meeting will ask participants to donate additional monies and the Meeting will absorb any remaining losses if necessary.
10.2 2005 Retreat Reservation: ACTION: The Clerk was directed to reserve Camp Wilmot for the first weekend in October, 2005. The Treasurer was directed to pay any necessary deposit.
10.3 Treasurer's Report On Accounting: Treasurer Ruth Heath reported an error in how the Treasurer has been reporting “Fund Balances”. The error is that a reported “Cash Reserve” of $1500 was not an asset held separately and discretely in the “general fund” but an erroneous method to reflect on paper a desired $1500 reserve in the “General Fund”. The error was not in the total of funds available but in how the individual general fund balances were reported. The Treasurer has corrected the error in her most recent report.
10.4 Revised 2003-2004 Annual Treasurer’s Report Requested: ACTION. The Treasurer was asked to provide an amended 2003-2004 end-of-year “Statement of Income and Expense” reflecting correction of the “Cash Reserve” reporting error.
10.5 Legacy InformationQuestions arose about a legacy for CMM and income from such legacy as being held by the NH Charitable Fund. See Minute 2004.5.5. Meeting has not yet acted on Minute 2004.5.5 which deferred a decision on whether to ratify the Treasurer’s previous instruction to the Charitable Fund to reinvest income from the legacy. ACTION'. Member David Freeman-Woolpert was asked to investigate answers and report back to Meeting for Business.
10.6 Cash Flow Planning Minute of Exercise: Treasurer Ruth Heath said the recent requirement to make monthly rent payments means we need contributions throughout the fiscal year and not just at the end of the year. She asked whether she should approach members and attenders about what they plan to give CMM over the course of the year so as to have a clearer picture of our cash flow. Discussion ensued. Some were uncomfortable with changing our informal, non-directive contribution process without deeper consideration given the sensitivity of money in our culture. Others agreed to deeper consideration of the matter but felt we need to be up-front about supporting our community financially, especially since we're considering other housing options. Meeting took no action but agreed to hold the issue in the Light.
10.7 Housing Committee Expense Budget Addition: Housing Committee Clerk David Freeman-Woolpert reported that the Housing Committee is considering three possible options for a new Meeting House for CMM: (1) an addition to Woodside School, Fruit Street, Concord (2) moving the old Pittsfield NH Meetinghouse to a new site, or (3) building a new Meetinghouse at a new site. See Minutes 2004.9.1, 2004.9.2 and 2004.9.3 The committee needs roughly $2,000 to work with a planner or architect to determine the cost of each option. The Committee requested $1,000 from the $2,000 to be returned to Meeting by the Community Loan Fund. See Minute 2004.9.4. ACTION-. Meeting amended the 2004-05 Housing Committee expense budget by adding $1,000 to be spent for planning.
10.8 Additional Contributions Sought to Housing Fund ACTIONMeeting authorized the Housing Committee to solicit contributions to the Meeting’s existing “Housing Fund”.
The meeting closed at 2:35 PM with a period of worshipful silence and hopeful expectation of meeting again next month, second first day.
Respectfully Submitted by, | Accepted as the Approved Record, | |
/s/ Anne Saunders, Recording Clerk | /s/ Graham Chynoweth, Presiding Clerk |
1 Underlined captions, references to previous Minutes (e.g. “See also Minute 2001.1.1”), “Recording Clerk’s Notes” and the word “ACTION” (with action to be taken in bold type) are inserted by the Recording Clerk for convenience of reader in identifying Minute topics, minuted history of an issue and expectation of action and are not a part of the Minute as approved.