CMM 2002-10-13
Concord (NH) Monthly Meeting
Religious Society of Friends
Minutes of Meeting for Worship for Business
Tenth Month 13, 2002
Concord (NH) Monthly Meeting gathered in a regularly called Meeting for Worship for Business on the date above stated at the Merrimack Valley Day Care Center, Concord, NH. Attenders and Members present were: Helen Brophy (A), Recording Clerk Graham Chynoweth (M), David Freeman-Woolpert (M), Claire Gillingham (A), Rachel Goldman, Treasurer Ruth Heath, Presiding Clerk pro tem Jeanie Holt (M), Richard Kleinschmidt (M), Zane Knoy (A), Anne Saunders (A), and Rob Yager (M).
The Meeting opened with prayerful silence and a reading from Faith and Practice, at page 114, by Jeanie Holt: “In Meeting for Business Friends are seeking to discover and implement the Will of God....”
Minute 2002.1
10.1 Treasurer’s Report. Our Treasurer reported that with 33% of the fiscal year passed (06/01/02 to 10/08/02), 40% of the yearly budgeted income has been received. Such income includes previous years general fund carry forward of $2,131.07.
10.2 Ministry and Counsel Additional Expense Authorized. The Meeting amended the 2002/2003 expense budget by adding $80.00 to the expense line item for Ministry and Counsel Committee. See Minute 2002.09.02
10.3 Community Loan Fund Loan Extension. The Meeting approved continuing for one year, on existing terms, a $2,000.00 loan to the NH Community Loan Fund.
10.4 Local Emergency Assistance/Interfaith Council. Rachel Goldman, Meeting’s representative to the Greater Concord Interfaith Council, reported that the Council hopes to fund an “assistance minister” to be a referral person for those in emergency need of local social support services. The work to be done by the “assistance minister” is to be defined through a needs assessment funded through the Council. The Meeting’s amended the 2002-2003 expense budget by adding $100.00 to be sent to the Council in support of the needs assessment.
We adjourned after a period of silent worship purposing, with Divine assistance, to meet, 2nd First Day of next Month.
Submitted by, | Accepted as the Approved Record, | |
/s/ Graham Chynoweth, Recording Clerk | /s/ Jeanie Holt, Presiding Clerk pro tem |
1 Underlined captions, references to previous Minutes (e.g. “See also Minute 2001.1.1”), “Recording Clerk’s Notes” and the word “ACTION” (with action to be taken in bold type) are inserted by the Recording Clerk for convenience of reader in identifying Minute topics, minuted history of an issue and expectation of action and are not a part of the Minute as approved.