CMM 2002-09-08
Concord (NH) Monthly Meeting
Religious Society of Friends
Minutes of Meeting for Worship for Business
Ninth Month 8, 2002
Concord (NH) Monthly Meeting gathered in a regularly called Meeting for Worship for Business on the date above stated at the Merrimack Valley Day Care Center, Concord, NH. Attenders and Members present were Recording Clerk Graham Chynoweth (M), David Freeman-Woolpert (M) (joined Meeting in progress, Treasurer Ruth Heath (M) (left meeting in progress), Jeanie Holt (M), Richard Kleinschmidt (M), Zane Knoy (A), Anne Saunders (A), Sara Menis Smith (M), Presiding Co-Clerk Rob Spencer, Kathy Urie (A).
The Meeting opened with prayerful silence.
Minute 2002.1
9.1 Steve Holt to Travel to Cuba. A Clearness Committee convened under Ministry & Counsel Committee and the Committee recommended the attached Minute for purposes of travel of Junior Member Steve Holt to Cuba under cover of the Yearly Meeting’s Puente de Amigos Committee. The date of his travel is to be determined. The Meeting approved the Minute.
9.2 Treasurer’s Report. Our treasurer reported that with 25% of the fiscal year past, 37% of the yearly income budget has been met (only 17% has been met in this fiscal year and the remainder of the 37% has been applied from the prior year).
9.3 Ministry and Counsel Additional Expense Budget. The Ministry and Counsel Committee was authorized, as requested by the Committee, to exceed its expense budget in an amount to be determined. The Committee shall notify Finance Committee of the requested amount of excess and such request shall be forwarded to Meeting for Business for action.
9.4 Donald Booth Travel to Iraq. The Meeting authorised the Treasurer to accept special collection donations in support of Donald Booth in his travel to and ministry presence in Iraq and in the interest in world peace. Donald Booth intends to travel to Iraq as part of an “Iraqi Peace Team”, a project of Voices in the Wilderness.
We adjourned purposing, with Divine assistance, to meet, 2nd First Day of next Month.
Submitted by, | Accepted as the Approved Record, | |
/s/ Graham Chynoweth, Recording Clerk | /s/ Rob Spencer, Presiding Co-Clerk |
1 Underlined captions, references to previous Minutes (e.g. “See also Minute 2001.1.1”), “Recording Clerk’s Notes” and the word “ACTION” (with action to be taken in bold type) are inserted by the Recording Clerk for convenience of reader in identifying Minute topics, minuted history of an issue and expectation of action and are not a part of the Minute as approved.