CMM 2002-03-10
Concord (NH) Monthly Meeting
Religious Society of Friends
Minutes of Meeting for Worship for Business
Third Month 10, 2002
Concord (NH) Monthly Meeting gathered in a regularly called Meeting for Worship for Business on the date above stated at the Merrimack Valley Day Care Center (MVDCC), Concord, NH. Attenders, Junior Members and Members present were Donald Booth (M), Lois Booth (M), Recording Clerk Graham Chynoweth (M), David Freeman-Woolpert (M), Alossa French (A), David French (A), Claire Gillingham (A), Jeanie Holt (M), Jeff Holt (J), Stephen Holt (J), Richard Kleinschmidt (M), Zane Knoy (A), Jean London (A), Margaret Pruitt (A), Jay Smith (M), Sara Smith (M), Louise Spencer (M), Co-Presiding Clerk Rob Spencer (M).
Rob Spencer opened the Meeting by reading a passage from the New York Yearly Meeting’s Discipline (1930) (page 31), including the following: “All are especially cautioned against any harshness of tone or manner when administering counsel or reproof, either privately or in meetings, remembering those who would o the Father’s work must abide in his love.”
Minute 2002.1
3.1 Sara M. Smith Membership Ministry and Counsel Committee, through Jeanie Holt, recommended Sara M. Smith be accepted into membership of Concord Monthly Meeting. The Meeting joyously approved membership of Sara M. Smith.
3.2 Marjorie Gordon Ministry and Counsel Committee, through Jeanie Holt, presented a Committee Minute of Appreciation for Marjorie Gordon’s dedicated and productive service on Meeting’s Ministry and Counsel Committee. Her membership on the Committee was recalled to date from her earliest year (1978) at Concord Friends Meeting. ACTION: Ministry and Counsel Committee was asked to draft a Memorial Minute. The Memorial Minute is not expected to be written or approved until after a Memorial Meeting for Worship for Marjorie Gordon set for Fourth Month 7, 2002. Marjorie Gordon’s spirit reached the larger community of Friends in New England. ACTION: Ministry and Counsel Committee was asked to provide notice to Dover Quarterly Meeting of the intent of Concord Monthly Meeting to prepare a Memorial Minute for delivery to Dover Quarterly Meeting and that Concord Monthly Meeting will request that the yet-to-be-approved Minute be forwarded by the Quarterly Meeting to Yearly Meeting Permanent Board. (Recording Clerk’s Note: Meeting Member Marjorie Gordon, born 08/08/06, passed away on 02/26/02.)
3.3 Eunice Clark Smith Ministry and Counsel Committee, through Jeanie Holt, presented a proposed written Memorial Minute for Eunice Clark Smith. With one amendment, the Minute was approved. The amended Minute is attached. ACTION: The Minute is to be forwarded to Dover Quarterly Meeting by Ministry and Counsel Committee Co-Clerk Jeanie Holt.
3.4 Gay, Lesbian and Transgendered Seekers Ministry and Counsel Committee, through Jeanie Holt, presented a “Minute of Support for Gay, Lesbian and Transgendered Seekers”. The proposed Minute is attached. The Meeting considered and discerned God’s Truth and Will in relation to the issue of the proposed Minute. Much of the spirit of the proposed Minute was approved. The Meeting concluded and declares that the Meeting will celebrate marriage for gay, lesbian and transgendered seekers among us after the manner of Friends if we find them clear in their commitment to be faithful to each other. Further discernment will occur.
The Meeting closed with silent worship expecting to meet again for business, God willing, on second First Day, Next Month.
Submitted by, | Accepted as the Approved Record, | |
/s/ Graham Chynoweth, Recording Clerk | /s/ Rob Spencer, Presiding Co-Clerk |
1 Underlined captions, references to previous Minutes (e.g. “See also Minute 2001.1.1”), “Recording Clerk’s Notes” and the word “ACTION” (with action to be taken in bold type) are inserted by the Recording Clerk for convenience of reader in identifying Minute topics, minuted history of an issue and expectation of action and are not a part of the Minute as approved.