Photo Release Form for Children

To authorize your child's photo release, you may download a Word .doc file or Adobe PDF file by clicking on one of the images below.  Then you may print it, and fill it in for posting or leaving with a member of the Youth Religious Education (YRE) Committee.

Alternately, you may fill in the webform below and press the “Submit” button, which will send an e-mail to the web clerk who will forward it to a YRE Committee member.


At Meeting for Business on the 8th day of Sixth Month 2015, Concord Friends Meeting agreed the following policy for photos of people on the Meeting’s website.

“6.9 ... Our photograph policy is that

  • [we will] let adults know that their picture may be posted and allow them to opt out [, and]
  • we will get written permission from parents[/guardians] before posting photos of children.”

Guardian Consent for Children under 18:

I give permission for Concord (NH) Monthly Meeting of Friends (Quakers) to use the photographic likeness of my child(ren) in all forms and media for advertising, exposition displays, and any other lawful purposes.  I understand that no names are attached with any photos.

I am the parent/legal guardian of the following children, and have read this release and approve of its terms on their behalf.

Full name of first child whose photo is permitted

Full name of second child whose photo is permitted

Full name of third child whose photo is permitted

Full name of first Parent/Guardian

E-mail address of first Parent/Guardian

Full name of second parent/guardian

E-mail address of second Parent/Guardian

Usually, this is today's date.

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