CMM 2011-10-23

Minutes of Meeting for Worship for Business

Concord (NH) Monthly Meeting

Religious Society of Friends

10th Month 23, 2011

Concord (NH) Monthly Meeting gathered in Meeting for Worship for Business. Friends present were:  11

The meeting began with a period of silent worship.

10.1  Ninth Month Minutes:  The meeting reviewed and approved the Minutes from the Ninth Month Business Meeting.

10.2  Finance Committee Report:

To date (39% through the fiscal year) we have received $3,871 of our budgeted $20,578 expenses.

To date we have spent $3,438 of the budgeted $20,578

10.3  Announcements:

  • The Youth Religious Education Committee asked the Meeting to consider a Christmas program on the afternoon of the First Day before Christmas (12th Mº 17, 2011).  The proposal was met with enthusiasm!
  • We also will carol in the late afternoon on Christmas Eve at Havenwood Retirement and return to the Meetinghouse for a short Meeting for Worship followed by a potluck.

Minutes accepted when signed,

Ruth Heath, Co-Clerk

Alisa Barnard, Recording Clerk

Concord Friends Meeting

Income & Expense - Budget vs. Actual

6th Month 1, 2011 - 10th Month 20, 2011 (39% of FY 2012)
  Actuals for Annual Actuals Compared With:
6/1/2011 — 10/20/2011 Budget Annual Budget % of Budget
Contributions 3,871 18,568 -14,697 21%
Interest Income 3 10 -7 28%
Miscellaneous Income 0 0 0 0%
Miscellaneous Sales 7 0 7 0%
Rental Income 0 2,000 -2,000 0%
TOTAL INCOME 3,880 20,578 -16,698 19%
Budget Committee 90 50 40 180%
Hospitality / Outreach 0 250 -250 0%
Library 0 100 -100 0%
Ministry and Counsel Committee 292 500 -208 58%
Youth & Religious Education Committee 71 500 -429 14%
Total Program 453 1,400 -947 32%
Building Maintenance 0 400 -400 0%
Debt Service 1,903 3,806 -1,903 50%
Electricity 142 800 -658 18%
Grounds 0 100 -100 0%
Insurance 0 1,100 -1,100 0%
Replacement Reserve Expense 417 2,500 -2,083 17%
Snow Removal 0 1,400 -1,400 0%
Supplies 168 200 -32 84%
Telephone 156 350 -194 45%
Wood Pellets 0 2,000 -2,000 0%
Total Property 2,786 12,656 -9,870 22%
AFSC 0 1,200 -1,200 0%
Dover Quarterly Meeting 0 10 -10 0%
FCNL 0 110 -110 0%
Friends Camp 0 325 -325 0%
FWCC 0 52 -52 0%
Interfaith Council 0 50 -50 0%
NEYM - Equalization Fund 0 185 -185 0%
NEYM - General Fund 0 3,540 -3,540 0%
NH Council of Churches 0 50 -50 0%
The Meeting School 0 325 -325 0%
Total Support 0 5,847 -5,847 0%
Advertising 200 625 -425 32%
Miscellaneous Expenses 0 50 -50 0%
Total Other 200 675 -475 47%
TOTAL EXPENSE 3,438 20,578 -17,140 50%
NET INCOME 442 0 -442

Prepared by David Woolpert, Treasurer