CMM 2023-09-10

Minutes of Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business

Concord (NH) Monthly Meeting of

the Religious Society of Friends

10th of Ninth Month 2023

Seventeen Friends gathered for meeting for worship to attend to business, in person and by Zoom.  We opened with a brief period of quiet Worship.

Minutes of Eighth month 2023 were approved as posted on our website.

09.01  Correction to Seventh Month Minutes:  A correction needs to be made to minute 07.06 which appoints an ad hoc Fundraising Committee.  It was headed “Childcare Planning Fundraising Committee”.  The heading is incorrect and the words “Childcare Planning” will be removed from the heading.  Friends approved making this change.

09.02  Nominating Committee reported on replacing the interim presiding clerk with a new clerk for the rest of the year.  They are recommending that Richard K and Ruth H share the responsibility.  Nominating committee expects that the two co-clerks will address how they coordinate the work involved.  The clerks will report at Meeting for worship with attention to business on their plan for their communication with each other and the rest of the Meeting around the clerks’ responsibilities.

09.03  Appreciation for Heidi’s Clerkship:  Friends expressed our deep appreciation to our recent presiding clerk, Heidi B for all of the leadership she provided before she needed to move for a new job.

09.04  Fire Safety & Heating System:  The ad hoc committee for fire safety and heating system replacement gave an update on the project to bring our Meetinghouse into compliance with fire codes.  We are now in compliance with Canterbury fire code.  An interim financial report on the project was provided and is attached.  The ad hoc fundraising committee reported on where things stand on getting funds to replace the short-term loans that allowed the project to move forward.  They will be communicating with the rest of Meeting about the need for additional contributions above the grants and contributions that have already been received or will be received.  Grant applications for $18,500 are pending.  The overall goal for grants and contributions is $30,700.

09.05  Finance Committee reported on our current fiscal status as we operate on a continuation of the prior fiscal year budget pending the finalization of work on the heating system replacement.  Total income for the first 3 months of the fiscal year was $9,198.86.  Total expense for the period was $5,963.83 for an increase in our funds of $3,235.03.  Changes to the balance sheet were also explained, including a provisional addition of contributions already received that are earmarked for the new heating system.

Financial Summary
Total Income: $9,198.86
Total Expenses: $5,963.83
Net Income: $3,235.03  

09.06  Funds for Kenya:  YRE reported on a proposal to use some of the extra proceeds of the yard sale that we held recently that raised far more than our $900 obligation to the Kenya Rising program for this year and $900 again next year.  Proposals included increasing the amount given to Kenya Rising or giving $700 to the efforts of F.U.M. to rebuild the Lindi School in a Nairobi slum which had burned down.  Friends approved that latter use of the funds.

In preparation for our next item of business, Friends responded to a query from the interim clerk: What has been your experience of worship these past months while our mask optional policy has been in place?

09.07  Masking in Meeting Guidance:  Ministry and Counsel Committee recommended that masks remain optional in the worship space unless the CDC data tracker shows red (risk level based on local hospital admissions for COVID19) for Merrimack County [].  Friends decided that we should include all counties in NH and make this apply to the entire Meetinghouse during all Meeting activities.  The Presiding Clerk (or person designated by them) will check the CDC website on a regular basis and make an effort to get the word out before worship if masks will be required in the Meetinghouse.

We closed with a brief period of quiet worship, purposing to meet again on the second First Day of Tenth month.

Submitted by,   Accepted as the Approved Record,
/s/ Jennifer Smith, Recording Clerk   /s/ Elizabeth Meyer, Presiding Clerk

Concord Monthly Meeting

Statement of Operations as of Ninth Month 6, 2023

(25% of Fiscal Year 2024)
Concord Monthly Meeting Statement of Operations 2023-06-01 – 2023-09-06 Budget – FY 2023-24 Budget Remaining % of Budget Raised
Contributions $8,516 $27,400 $18,884 31%
Grants $0 $0 $0 0%
Interest Income $33 $810 $777 4%
Rental Income $650 $900 $250 72%
Solar Roof Lease $0 $240 $0 0%
Total Income $9,199 $29,350 $20,151 31%
Expenses       % of Budget Spent
Finance Committee $0 $30 $30 0%
Hospitality $45 $100 $55 46%
Library $0 $140 $140 0%
Ministry & Counsel $0 $400 $400 0%
Outreach Committee $0 $175 $175 0%
Peace, Social & Earthcare Concerns $0 $150 $150 0%
Right Relations $0 $400 $400 0%
Website Expense $0 $1,000 $1,000 0%
Youth & Religious Education $50 $300 $250 16%
Total Program $94 $2,695 $2,601 4%
Data Usage $296 $960 $664 31%
Debt Service $952 $3,805 $2,853 25%
Depreciation $953 $3,810 $2,858 25%
Donation in Lieu of Taxes $0 $500 $500 0%
Electricity $250 $1,000 $750 25%
Grounds $0 $100 $100 0%
Insurance $745 $2,890 $2,145 26%
Maintenance $194 $1,180 $986 17%
Snow Removal $0 $1,600 $1,600 0%
Supplies - Bldg. & Maintenance $22 $250 $228 9%
Wood Pellets $215 $1,200 $985 18%
Total Property $3,626 $17,295 $14,741 15%
AFSC $450 $1,640 $1,190 27%
Dover Quarterly Meeting $0 $10 $10 0%
FCNL $0 $157 $157 0%
Friends Camp $0 $314 $314 0%
FWCC $0 $68 $68 0%
Interfaith Council $0 $50 $50 0%
NEYM - Equalization Fund $0 $314 $314 0%
NEYM - General Fund $1,786 $6,491 $4,705 28%
NH Council of Churches $0 $75 $75 0%
Woolman Hill $0 $241 $241 0%
Miscellaneous Expenses
Total Support $2,236 $9,360 $7,124 0%
Landscaping $8
Total Expense $5,964 $29,350 $23,386 9%
Net Income $3,235

NB. The Income & Expenses Sheet was created with two decimal points, which were removed for readability, the cents being unimportant to the overall understanding.  This can have the effect of throwing off any given sum by a dollar due to compounded rounding.  —  Prepared by Greg Heath and Chris Haigh.

Concord Monthly Meeting FY 2024

Accrual Basis Balance Sheet as of Ninth Month 6, 2023
Concord Monthly Meeting Balance Sheet 9th Month 6, 2023    
Current Assets
Checking MCSB $25,086
Money Market MCSB $113
Savings Granite State Cr Union $10
Total Checking/Savings $25,208
Accounts Receivable
Accounts Receivable $0
Total Accounts Receivable $0
Other Current Assets
Prepaid Electricity $4,752
Prepaid Insurance $993
Total Other Current Assets $7,745
Total Current Assets   $30,954
Fixed Assets
Building $446,730
Equipment $61,487
Less Accumulated Depreciation -$34,025
Land (including new lot) $144,400
Total Fixed Assets   $618,592
Other Assets
Granite State Credit Union CD $3,067
Total NH Community Loan Fund $24,869
Total Other Assets   $27,937
TOTAL ASSETS     $677,483
Current Liabilities
Loan - Heating - Fire Safety $44,000
Total Current Liabilities $44,000
Long-term Liabilities
Mortgage Loan $6,340
Total Long-term Liabilities   $6,340
Total Liabilities   $50,340
General Fund Balance  
Fire Safety Improvements $6,500
Land & Building Fund - Other $610,855
General Fund Balance – Other $561
Total General Fund Balance   $617,916
Temp. Restricted Net Assets
Donor Restricted Funds
Asylum Seekers Support Fund (ASSF) $37
Kakamega Family Support Fund $2,518
Mindful Mortality $975
Social Justice Fund $303
Solar Grant Fund $1,209
Total Donor Restricted Funds $5,042
Meeting Temp. Restricted Funds
Friendly Assistance Fund $950
Total Meeting Temp. Restricted Funds $950
Total Temp. Restricted Net Assets   $5,992
Net Income   $3,235
Total Equity   $627,143

Fire Safety and Geothermal Heating System Report

Footnote 1

Fire Safety and Geothermal Heating System Report as of 6th of Ninth Month 2023 Footnote 2
Expense Item Actuals   Budget Upddated Amount   +/-
Source of Funds            
Capital Campaign $6,500 3 $20,000 $20,000   -
Federal Subsidy (30% of geothermal)   4 $17,490 $15,383   $2,108
Sale of Pellets * $389 5 $500 $389   $111
Sale of Other Items $300 6   $300   ($300)
Replacement Reserve $20,000 7 $20,000 $20,000   -
Total Source of Funds $27,189   $57,990 $56,072   $2,919
* Sandbags & Dolly purchased for selling pellets            
Fire Alarm System $3,731   $11,175 $12,437   ($1,262)
Code Compliance Consultant $2,118   $1,500 $2,118   ($618)
Emergency Lighting/Exit Signs $195   $197 $195   $2
Electrician $333   $1,000 $244   $756
Legal -   $259 -   $259
Fire Department Key Entry $507   $500 $507   ($7)
Geothermal Exterior GAP Mtn $26,050   $24,950 $26,050   ($1,100)
Geothermal Interior Ultra Geo $20,180   $33,350 $25,225   $8,125
Interest -   - -   -
Contingency -   $369 -   $369
Total Expense $22,253   $73,300 $65,566 8 $7,734
Net ($25,925)   ($15,310) ($10,705) 9  

1  Funds expended are added to our asset base of the Building & Equipment lines on the Balance Sheet

2  Note significant funds expended since the end of August.

3  Capital Funds Contributed are provisionally posted on the Balance Sheet so they do not skew our regular Statement of Operations. Fundraisers have yet to officially kick off the campaign.

4  Federal subsidy not available until after the end of our fiscal year next May

5  Net of sand bags and dolly purchased for selling pellets, pellets $450, and dolly sold $25. This offsets our prepaid expense of

6  Boiler and pellet bin sold. Fire sale pricing to be shared in Meeting for Business.

7  Accounting for Replacement Reserve now treated as Accumulated Depreciation on the Balance Sheet.

8  Total of Funds Expended in Updated Amount column is now known and set, $6,524 lower than budget with the exception of interest on our short term borrowing.

9  Net of ($10,705) represents what we will need to fund through long term borrowing if we meet our capital campaign goal of $20,000 from members and friends of the Meeting. The fund raisers are also applying for grants which they hope will allow us to reduce our long term borrowing.