CMM 2016-12-11

Minutes of Meeting for Worship for Business

Concord (NH) Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends

Twelfth Month 11, 2016

In attendance:  10 Friends

12.1  The meeting opened with worship and a reading of the last two [Nos 41 & 42] of the Advices and Queries of Britain Yearly Meeting.

12.2  Changes to 11th Month Minutes:  Friends approved the minutes of the Eleventh Month Meeting for Business with the following changes:

[K U] was not present.

11.2  ...over budget as...

11.3  The Meeting received a $6,000 grant to learn about group net metering.  There is no one in the state who has done this. Some of the funds have paid for consultations that didn't provide answers either.  Two possibilities are to hire a company who will set up the panel and run the program or to set up a Limited Liability Corporation (LLC) with investors who will put in the start­up funds.  The Meeting encourages the Solar Committee to proceed as far as they wish with this and to return to Meeting with their findings.

11.4  ...We are asked to not take it upon ourselves to change any of these...

12.3  Budget Report:  Total income for the year to date is $11,337, total expenses are $8,998, and net income is $2,339.  Income is close to last year.  Program is only at 17% of the budgeted amount. Building maintenance is currently at 75% due to the parts that were purchased last month, and it was noted that line will probably go over the budgeted amount.  Unrestricted cash is $596.

12.4  Solar Committee Report:  Friends received a report from the Solar Committee.  Friends approved authorizing the co­-clerk to sign the Memorandum of Understanding with the group members.

12.5  Group Net Metering Agreement:  Friends approved authorizing the co-clerk to sign the Group Net Metering Agreement as presented by the Solar committee and possibly altered by the lawyer.

12.6  Roof Leasing Agreement:  Friends approved authorizing the co-clerk to sign a lease agreement for the roof as approved by the Solar Committee on the recommendation of the lawyer.

12.7  Solar LLC:  Friends approved the transfer of the Meetings Responsibility for the meter to the LLC if necessary and approved by the Solar Committee on the recommendation of the lawyer.

12.8  The meeting closed with worship.

Submitted by

Recording Clerk, Jonie LaBombard

Presiding Co-Clerk, Mark Barker