Presiding Clerk: Marian Baker
Recording Clerk: Sara Hubner
Dover Quarterly Meeting met at Gonic on 29th of Ninth Month 2013. Present were: Irene Cruikshank, Gary Benoit, Dan Comly, and Sara Hubner from Gonic; Marian Baker from Weare; Tom Jackson and Jean Blickensderfer from Dover; and Sheila Garrett, visiting from Putney (VT) Monthly Meeting.
Following a generous potluck lunch, we gathered to listen to a recording of the message given by Simon Lamb of Ireland Yearly Meeting at the NEYM Mid-Year Gathering in March. Simon’s message encouraged us not just to look at the Living Water or dip our toes in it, but to live in the water. Afterward, we shared out of the silence our responses to queries: “Think about the earliest experience of God in your life: What was it like? How old were you?” “How have you dealt with experiences of drought and of plenty in your spiritual life?” “Has there been a time when you have been transformed by the Living Water?”
Friends then gathered for a brief meeting for the conduct of business.
2013-09.1 Minutes of Sixth Month were approved with the following corrections:
Under “Doctrine of Christian Discovery,” the first sentence should begin “Mark Barker reported that Concord...”.
Under “Death Penalty Opposition,” the second sentence should read: “This is the only state in New England which still allows capital punishment.
The minute which was approved includes the word “Friends” as a possessive; therefore, the word should have an apostrophe after the “s”.
2013-09.2 Treasurer’s Report
The treasurer was not present but submitted a report via electronic mail which is attached to these minutes.
2013-09.3 Plans for Upcoming Meetings
Our next four dates for meeting are Twelfth Month 29, 2013; Third Month 30, 2014; Sixth Month 29, 2014; and Eighth Month 31, 2014. We considered where to meet and possible program content.
Dover Meeting sent an epistle to Friends across the U.S. via electronic mail, urging Friends to divest from petroleum industries. Tom Jackson has been working on a minute regarding divestment and is willing to speak to us about this at our Twelfth Month meeting, which we agreed to hold at Dover.
It was suggested that at our Third Month meeting we might listen to the talk given by John Fitzgerald (Ireland YM) at the Mid-Year Gathering and share as we did today. It was further suggested that we invite Noah Baker Merrill to join us. We will inquire into meeting at Exeter, with the worship group at Riverwoods.
Sixth Month meeting will follow upon the FUM Triennial (6/12 through 6/14/4) and we hope to have Kenyan or Cuban Friends join us then, when we will meet at Weare.
Eighth Month meeting could be held at Marian Baker’s camp on Contention Pond, or could be the annual meeting at Pittsfield.
Marian offered to portray Sybil Jones for us at an upcoming meeting.
2013-09.4 Nominating
Muriel Farrar has asked to be replaced as treasurer of the quarter. The duties are simple and not burdensome, consisting mostly of collecting donations from meetings and making occasional disbursements as donations to N.H. groups or to support Friends’ travels. At present, our funds are in a bank in Rochester, N.H.
Sara Smith and Mark Barker were named as Friends to ask to take on the treasurer’s role; Sara Hubner volunteered to contact them.
After a period of open worship, Meeting adjourned, purposing to meet at Dover on 12/29/13, God willing.
Respectfully submitted,
Sara Hubner
Recording Clerk
Combined Beginning Balance: Savings, Unrestricted, and Restricted Funds: $1,439.38
Unrestricted Funds | Amount | Date (MM/DD/YY) | Check № |
Share/Savings - Holy Rosary Credit Union Membership Requirement: | $5.01 | ||
Beginning Balance: | $404.77 | ||
Expenditures (Withdrawals): | |||
No expenditures | $0.00 | ||
Total Expenditures (Withdrawals) | $0.00 | ||
Income (Donations): (Please contact me if this is incorrect) | |||
Concord MM | |||
Dover MM | $125.00 | ||
Gonic MM | |||
N. Sandwich MM | |||
Weare MM | $50.00 | ||
$10.00 | |||
Total Income (Donations): | $185.00 | ||
Unrestricted Funds Ending Balance: | $589.77 |
Restricted Funds | Amount | Date (MM/DD/YY) |
Beginning Balance: [$1,000.00 invested in 60-month certificate of deposit @ 2.00%, maturing 11/17/2021] | $1,034.61 | maturing 11/17/2021 |
Expenditures (Withdrawals): | $0.00 | |
Total Expenditures (Withdrawals) | $0.00 | |
Income (Interest): (Please contact me if this is incorrect) | ||
Interest Earned January – April 2018: $1.68/ 1.52/ 1.68/ 1.68 | $6.56 | |
Interest Earned May – August 2018: $1.68/ 1.63/ 1.68/ 1.68 | $6.57 | |
Total Income (Interest): | $13.23 | |
Restricted Funds Ending Balance: | $1,047.84 |
Combined Ending Balance Unrestricted and Restricted Funds: $1,637.61
Respectfully submitted, | ||
![]() |
/s/ Muriel A. Farrar, Treasurer, Date 9/29/2018 |
** Restricted Funds are the “Mary G. Morrell and Horatio S. Morrell Trust Funds. Such funds are dedicated to help ‘poor … ministers …in the service of the Lord.’” (In the 1st Month 2000 Dover Quarterly Meeting for Business minute, the treasurer was directed to maintain $1000.00 of the Restricted Funds as “principal” in keeping with restrictions on the funds, with the remainder available for use by the Quarter.)
In 7th Month 2017, it was agreed that interest earned on the H. S. Morrell Trust Fund will be accumulated and available as allowed by the Fund.