Painting New Meetinghouse by Volunteers

GregoryHeath's picture
Sat, 2010-01-23 09:30 - 16:00
Oxbow Pond Road, Canterbury, NH 03224

This coming Saturday, January 23, is the next opportunity for volunteers to paint.  Starting at 9:30 we will be lightly sanding and filling imperfections, then sealing those spots with paint.  We'll also be edging in order to roll the second coats.  It's careful, detail work. Then final top coat of paint over the walls that need it.  If you can come, please bring a lunch, sanding blocks, and putty knives.  It is very helpful to know if you can come to help and what hours you plan to work. 

This will be a major volunteer day, but more will follow. If you can't paint you can support the
volunteers by sending comfort food to supplement the bag lunch people will be bringing.

Please contact Greg Heath (gregoryheath [at] comcast [dot] net or 783-4401) if you expect to work.