New England Friend

New England Yearly Meeting of Friends

Of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers)

RE: signing up for electronic mailings and the New England Friend newsletter

March 4, 2010

Dear Friends,

Greetings! I pray all is well where you are, both physically and spiritually. The world is changing, and with change, there needs to be new ways to look for and find Spirit.

The latest issue of New England Friend is enclosed for your meeting. Please pass them around and read and share and enjoy! And please notice on page 2, the request to sign up to receive this newsletter electronically.

As you may know, NEYM has been moving slowly into the electronic world of communication. Cost savings motivates part of this, and another motivation is the desire to be able to do and say more through this new media. We are in the midst of restructuring and retooling the staff for this transition.

The yearly meeting would like to send this to individuals and households in meetings via email and so wants to encourage all your members and attenders who can sign up for that service to do so. Please ask Friends to write to neym [at] neym [dot] org"> to opt-in to the e-mailings, telling us their names and meeting. All households will still receive the May/June issue for registering for Yearly Meeting Sessions US Postal Service mail as well as a notice electronically.

All meetings will receive this mailing on paper, but not as many as this time, in the future. Please use them to pass out to new attenders and those friends that don't have email. If you would like to let me know how many is a good amount to send to your meeting for this purpose that would be great! neym [at] neym [dot] org"> is the address to write to with that information.


Thank you for your continuing support of our wider New England community of Friends. May many and varied blessings grace your meeting communities in 2010!

Katharine Clark, Communications Director

901 Pleasant St., Worcester, MA 01602-1908 (508) 754-6760 neym [at] neym [dot] org (neym [at] neym [dot] org)